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Find Get Grow was set up in 2016 by me, Clare Fanner.  Having previously been a marketing director for two regional law firms with limited resources, I spent a lot of time looking for expert support to help me deliver key projects. It was hard to find experts that really understood the sector and the unique challenges faced by law firms and law firm marketers. 
So I set out to address this by setting up Find Get Grow.


I provide support to law firms to help them 'do' better marketing. What I mean by this boils down to 3 things:


  1. Marketing that is aligned to, and therefore helping to deliver, the firms' strategy and clients of the 'right' type.

  2. To improve ROI and processes, reporting and general 'efficiencies' e.g. get better value, get better return and do things in less time and/or more  efficiently.

  3. And finally, to help educate and inform law firms, in particular law firm marketers, by providing them with the know-how, skills and confidence to get more clients.

Find Get Grow is mainly me but I also have a trusted network of experts that I work closely with, thus enabling me to provide a complete service to law firms looking to do better marketing and business development.

If you like the sound of this and would like a chat over a coffee, please get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.

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